by synergisdic | Nov 1, 2023 | Blog
Money—saving it and making it—drives almost every business decision regardless of the size of your organization. Cutting back on IT makes room in your budget, but ultimately results in more IT issues and subpar performance. It’s the old cliché — you get what you pay...
by synergisdic | Oct 1, 2023 | Blog
The FBI and Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) recently announced a public service warning of ransomware attacks looming on the horizon. With attacks on the rise, particularly surrounding holidays and weekends, Synergisdic urges Vicotria-based...
by synergisdic | Sep 1, 2023 | Blog
If there’s one industry that cybercriminals love to attack, it’s finance. Organizations within the industry, like banks, insurance companies and brokerage firms, are rife with confidential customer financial information that hackers are eager to steal. Moreover,...
by synergisdic | Sep 1, 2023 | Blog
Let’s face it; Accidents happen. If it can go wrong, there’s a good chance it will. That’s why every business, from the mom-and-pop shop around the corner to the Fortune 500 company in the downtown high-rise, needs a backup and disaster recovery plan. At Synergisdic...
by synergisdic | Jun 1, 2023 | Blog
As technology advances, it offers businesses and organizations new opportunities to grow. However, when given the opportunity to expand, these advances can also make managing your IT in-house difficult. Times like these can drive an organization to outsource its IT to...
by synergisdic | May 1, 2023 | Blog
In today’s competitive society, businesses need to rely on a robust IT infrastructure to stay ahead of the competition. You can achieve your IT goals by partnering with the right people and utilizing efficient technology. When you have a business to manage, the last...